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Sacred Women's Circle Retreat in the temple by the sea

Just this past weekend I hosted a Sacred Women's circle (in the temple by the sea). We came together in sacred space as a group of women to explore what it means to embody the state of flow. We supported each other in reconnecting with our sacredness and held space for each other in the process of softening, opening, and relaxing into our bodies.

Together we worked through practices that help unfreeze constriction within the body and connected even more deeply with the innate intelligence within. We invited connection with the universe and with the deep, deep Earth. We honored the women who came before us and the sacred land. We connected with Mother Ocean and made reverent offerings to her. Together we created a field of sanctuary, kindness, love and compassion, we created a temple.

My intention when holding circle is to bring women together in a safe space where we can drop defenses, rest into ourselves and deepen our relationship with the Sacred Feminine. To realize ourselves as the living Goddess.

As a reflection of this intention we shared, we did breathe work, self massage, we meditated, we danced and we sang. In the afternoon we did some guided drawing and then we painted. We ate glorious food that flowed in abundance. We enjoyed each other, we enjoyed the space and the ocean was right there reminding us, drawing us in, beckoning us to let go, trust, ease into the same intelligence that is the rhythm of the waves, the ebb and flow of the tides.

In the beauty of all of this we were experiencing embodied trauma healing. Connecting with ourselves and each other in this way we invited regulation, calm, joy, beauty and peace. Our nervous systems were sensually soothed and smoothed, we could let go and be. We could be in our flow. We could feel ourselves interconnected with all that is.

Such is the miracle of women's circle. By the nature of women coming together in a sacred manner we are healing eons of trauma within us. We are remembering ancient wisdom within ourselves. We are creating hope for a better world. We are remembering who we can really be with each other. We are remembering that we are sacred children of this glorious sacred Earth, that we are the embodiment of the living Goddess, that the intelligence of the entire web of life flows through us.

As we align ourselves with these truths we open a way through all the layers of trauma to the magnificent essence we truly are. We can surrender ourselves to the flow and what we need to truly thrive. We are creating the genuine possibility of deepening our union with the divine masculine and paving the way forward together into a new world where we all remember that all is one and we are all love.

I bow deeply, in awe of the circle and the women who attended.

Thank you for calling me home.




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